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Mark Swayze is a worship leader and songwriter based in The Woodlands, Texas. Mark’s ministry spans a decade and is rooted in his beginnings leading youth within the Methodist Church. His ministry continues to be guided by a heart for the Lord and a passion for serving the children of God.

In 2012, This Album Feeds Children, produced by Ed Cash, was released with the prayerful hope of leading people to know and praise Jesus and to feed His hungry children. To date, This Album Feeds Children has provided more than 120,000 meals through Children’s Hunger Fund.

Surrounded by a worship family of like-minded musicians, Mark Swayze and his worship team strive to lead people in authentic and vulnerable worship, drawing the Church closer to the throne room that Jesus has allowed us toaccess.

Committed to this calling, all eight families that make up the Mark Swayze worship ministry relocated to The Woodlands in 2014 after Mark accepted a position as Director of Contemporary Worship at The Woodlands United Methodist Church.

In September of 2016, Mark Swayze and the worship team recorded and released, Live At Harvest, inspired by leading worship for the Harvest worship community. The album is an authentic snapshot of the both the challenges and triumphs of God working in the community.

Mark Swayze continues to lead worship weekly across The Woodland’s United Methodist Church campus, including The Harvest, The Loft and RebelBase Student Ministry. He is currently writing songs to be prayerfully considered for the Wesleyan catalog of worship music and faithfully used in the renewal movement among Methodist youth.

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