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More Than Able 으로 Elevation Worship

More Than Able

Elevation Worship - CAN YOU IMAGINE?

V1벌스 1
V2벌스 2
CH1코러스 1
V3벌스 3
브1브릿지 1
CH1코러스 1
브2브릿지 2
브3브릿지 3
브4브릿지 4
CH2코러스 2
오리지널 마스터
타임 시그:

오리지널 마스터 레코딩으로 만든 믹스. 사용 가능 {0} 키에 각 파트에 대한 업 및 마이너스 믹스와 오리지널 곡이 포함되어 있습니다.
자세히 알아보기


벌스 1

When did I start to forget
All of the great things You did
When did I throw away
Faith for the impossible

벌스 2

How did I start to believe
You weren’t sufficient for me
Why do I talk myself
Out of seeing miracles

코러스 1

You are more than able
You are more than able
You are more than able
You are more than able
Who am I to deny
What the Lord can do

벌스 3

Now I see all that I have
Oh I’ve got my confidence back
I put my trust in the one
Who still does miracles
You do miracles


You are more than able
You are more than able
You are more than able
You are more than able
Who am I to deny
What the Lord can do

브릿지 1

Can you imagine
With all of the faith in the room
What the Lord can do
What the Lord can do
And it’s gonna happen
Just let the way maker through
He’s gonna move
He’s gonna move


Anything is possible
Anything is possible
Anything is possible
Who am I to deny
What the Lord can do


Who am I to deny
What the Lord can do

코러스 1

You are more than able
You are more than able
You are more than able
You are more than able
Who am I to deny
What the Lord can do

브릿지 2

I’ve come a long way
I’ve seen how You work
There’s so much goodness and grace
Much more than I deserve

브릿지 3

Cuz I know who I am
And I can’t stay where I’m at ooh
We’ve come this far by faith
And I just can’t turn back

브릿지 4

He’s not done with me yet
He’s not done with me yet
There’s so much more to the story
You’re not done with me yet

브릿지 4

You’re not done with me yet
You’re not done with me yet
There’s so much more to the story
You’re not done with me yet


Who am I to deny
What the Lord can do

코러스 2

God is more than able
God is more than able
God is more than able
God is more than able
Who am I to deny
What the Lord can do


Who am I to deny
What the Lord can do


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