근데 얼른 채워달래요.멀티트랙, 코드 차트, 구독 등으로 꽉꽉 채워보세요!
오리지널 마스터 레코딩으로 만든 믹스. 사용 가능 {0} 키에 각 파트에 대한 업 및 마이너스 믹스와 오리지널 곡이 포함되어 있습니다. 자세히 알아보기
벌스 1
I'm calling onThe God of JacobWhose love enduresThrough generationsI know that YouWill keep Your covenant
벌스 2
I'm calling onThe God of MosesThe One who openedUp the oceanI need You now to doThe same thing for me
O God my God I need YouO God my God I need You nowHow I need You nowO Rock O Rock of AgesI'm standing on Your faithfulnessOn Your faithfulness
벌스 3
I'm calling onThe God of MaryWhose favor restsUpon the lowlyI know with YouAll things are possible
벌스 4
I'm calling onThe God of DavidWho made aShepherd boy courageousI may not face GoliathBut I've got my own giants
브릿지 1
You heard Your children thenYou hear Your children nowYou are the same GodYou are the same GodYou answered prayers back thenAnd You will answer nowYou are the same GodYou are the same God
브릿지 2
You were providing thenYou are providing nowYou are the same GodYou are the same GodYou moved in power thenGod move in power nowYou are the same GodYou are the same God
브릿지 3
You were a healer thenYou are a healer nowYou are the same GodYou are the same GodYou were a Savior thenYou are a Savior nowYou are the same GodYou are the same God
브릿지 4
You freed the captives thenYou're freeing hearts right nowYou are the same GodYou are the same GodYou touched the lepers thenI feel Your touch right nowYou are the same GodYou are the same God
벌스 5
I'm calling on the Holy SpiritAlmighty river comeAnd fill me again
Come and fill me again
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