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Another In The Fire 으로 Hillsong United

Another In The Fire

Hillsong United - People

V1벌스 1
V2벌스 2
브1브릿지 1
V3벌스 3
브1브릿지 1
오리지널 마스터
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오리지널 마스터 레코딩으로 만든 믹스. 사용 가능 {0} 키에 각 파트에 대한 업 및 마이너스 믹스와 오리지널 곡이 포함되어 있습니다.
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벌스 1

There's a grace
When the heart is under fire
Another way
When the walls are closing in
And when I look
At the space between
Where I used to be and this reckoning
I know I will never be alone


There was another in the fire
Standing next to me
There was another in the waters
Holding back the seas
And should I ever need reminding
Of how I've been set free
There is a cross that bears the burden
Where another died for me
There is another in the fire

벌스 2

All my debt
Left for dead beneath the waters
I'm no longer
A slave to my sin anymore
And should I fall in the space between
What remains of me and this reckoning
Either way I won't bow
To the things of this world
And I know I will never be alone


There is another in the fire
Standing next to me
There is another in the waters
Holding back the seas
And should I ever need reminding
What power set me free
There is a grave that holds no body
And now that power lives in me


There is another in the fire
There is another in the fire

브릿지 1

And I can see the light in the darkness
As the darkness bows to Him
I can hear the roar in the heavens
As the space between wears thin
I can feel the ground shake beneath us
As the prison walls cave in
Nothing stands between us
Nothing stands between us

벌스 3

There is no other name
But the Name that is Jesus
He who was and still is
And will be through it all
So come what may
In the space between
All the things unseen and this reckoning
I know I will never be alone


I know I will never be alone


There'll be another in the fire
Standing next to me
There'll be another in the waters
Holding back the seas
And should I ever need reminding
How good You've been to me
I'll count the joy come every battle
‘Cause I know that's where You'll be

브릿지 1

And I can see the light in the darkness
As the darkness bows to Him
I can hear the roar in the heavens
As the space between wears thin
I can feel the ground shake beneath us
As the prison walls cave in
Nothing stands between us
Nothing stands between


There'll be another in the fire
Standing next to me
There'll be another in the waters
Holding back the seas
And should I ever need reminding
How good You've been to me
I'll count the joy come every battle
‘Cause I know that's where You'll be


I'll count the joy come every battle
‘Cause I know that's where You'll be
I'll count the joy come every battle
‘Cause I know that's where You'll be
I'll count the joy come every battle
‘Cause I know that's where You'll be
I'll count the joy come every battle
‘Cause I know that's where You'll be


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