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There's Nothing That Our God Can't Do (Live) 으로 Passion

There's Nothing That Our God Can't Do (Live)

Passion - Roar

V1벌스 1
V2벌스 2
CH1코러스 1
V3벌스 3
V4벌스 4
CH1코러스 1
CH2코러스 2
CH1코러스 1
CH2코러스 2
오리지널 마스터
타임 시그:

오리지널 마스터 레코딩으로 만든 믹스. 사용 가능 {0} 키에 각 파트에 대한 업 및 마이너스 믹스와 오리지널 곡이 포함되어 있습니다.
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벌스 1

Oh just one word
You calm the storm that surrounds me
Just one word
The darkness has to retreat

벌스 2

Oh just one touch
I feel the presence of Heaven
Just one touch
My eyes were opened to see
My heart can't help but believe

코러스 1

There's nothing that our God can't do
There's not a mountain
That He can't move
Oh praise the name that makes a way
There's nothing that our God can't do

벌스 3

Just one word
You heal what's broken inside me
Just one word
And You revive every dream

벌스 4

Just one touch
I feel the power of heaven
And just one touch
My eyes were opened to see
My heart can't help but believe

코러스 1

There's nothing that our God can't do
There's not a mountain
That He can't move
Oh praise the name that makes a way
There's nothing that our God can't do

코러스 2

There's nothing that our God can't do
There's not a prison wall
He can't break through
Oh praise the name that makes a way
There's nothing that our God can't do


I will believe for greater things
There's no power
Like the power of Jesus
Let faith arise let all agree
There's no power
Like the power of Jesus


I will believe for greater things
There's no power
Like the power of Jesus
Let faith arise let all agree
There's no power like His power

코러스 1

There's nothing that our God can't do
There's not a mountain
That He can't move
Oh praise the name that makes a way
There's nothing that our God can't do

코러스 2

There's nothing that our God can't do
There's not a prison wall
He can't break through
Oh praise the name that makes a way
There's nothing that our God can't do


Ohh ohh ohh
There's nothing there's nothing
There's nothing there's nothing


Ohh ohh ohh
There's nothing that our God can't do


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