근데 얼른 채워달래요.멀티트랙, 코드 차트, 구독 등으로 꽉꽉 채워보세요!
Tracks for this song are from the Original Master Recording.
Playback 대여
앱 트랙
$29 USD
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벌스 1
When did I start to forgetAll of the great things You didWhen did I throw awayFaith for the impossible
벌스 2
How did I start to believeYou weren’t sufficient for meWhy do I talk myselfOut of seeing miracles
코러스 1
You are more than ableYou are more than ableYou are more than ableYou are more than ableWho am I to denyWhat the Lord can do
벌스 3
Now I see all that I haveOh I’ve got my confidence backI put my trust in the oneWho still does miraclesYou do miracles
브릿지 1
Can you imagineWith all of the faith in the roomWhat the Lord can doWhat the Lord can doAnd it’s gonna happenJust let the way maker throughHe’s gonna moveHe’s gonna move
Anything is possibleAnything is possibleAnything is possibleWho am I to denyWhat the Lord can do
Who am I to denyWhat the Lord can do
브릿지 2
I’ve come a long wayI’ve seen how You workThere’s so much goodness and graceMuch more than I deserve
브릿지 3
Cuz I know who I amAnd I can’t stay where I’m at oohWe’ve come this far by faithAnd I just can’t turn back
브릿지 4
He’s not done with me yetHe’s not done with me yetThere’s so much more to the storyYou’re not done with me yet
You’re not done with me yetYou’re not done with me yetThere’s so much more to the storyYou’re not done with me yet
코러스 2
God is more than ableGod is more than ableGod is more than ableGod is more than ableWho am I to denyWhat the Lord can do
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모든 파트에 대한 믹스 외에도 원곡을 듣고 배울 수 있습니다.
어떤 곡이든 원하는 키로 파트의 믹스를 연습하세요.
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The autopanned version has the click and guide panned left and the tracks panned right, so the song can be used with a simple stereo audio setup.
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이 트랙은 라이브로 녹음되었으며 악기 트랙에 리드 보컬의 블리드가 있을 수 있습니다. 일부 악기 트랙에서 리드 보컬이 희미하게 들릴 수 있습니다.
현재 이 콘텐츠를 이용할 수 없음을 알려드립니다. 자세한 내용은 CapitolCMGLicensing@umusic.com 으로 문의하시기 바랍니다.
멀티트랙, 사운드, 코드 차트 등으로 가득 채워보세요!