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Ain't No Grave 으로 Bethel Music

Ain't No Grave

Bethel Music - Victory

V1Verse 1
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
V2Verse 2
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
V3Verse 3
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
C1Chorus 1
C2Chorus 2
오리지널 마스터
타임 시그:

노래 정보

Eternal Life Faith Hope Jesus Lamb of God Resurrection Second Coming Victory
Female Lead Rock
Claude Ely, Molly Skaggs, Jonathan David Helser, Melissa Helser
Bethel Music


Verse 1

Shame is a prison as cruel as a grave
Shame is a robber
And he's come to take my name
Oh love is my redeemer
Lifting me up from the ground
Love is the power
When my freedom song is found

Chorus 1

There ain’t no grave
Gonna hold my body down
There ain't no grave
Gonna hold my body down

Chorus 2

When I hear that trumpet sound
I'm gonna rise up outta the ground
There ain’t no grave
Gonna hold my body down

Verse 2

Oh fear is a liar
With a smooth and velvet tongue
Fear is a tyrant
He's always telling me to run
Oh love is a resurrection
And love is a trumpet sound
Love is my weapon
I'm gonna take my giants down

Chorus 1

There ain’t no grave
Gonna hold my body down
There ain't no grave
Gonna hold my body down

Chorus 2

When I hear that trumpet sound
I'm gonna rise up outta the ground
There ain’t no grave
Gonna hold my body down

Verse 3

Oh there was a battle
A war between death and life
And there on a tree
The Lamb of God was crucified
And He went on down to hell
He took back every key
And He rose up as a lion
And He set all captives free

Chorus 1

There ain’t no grave
Could hold his body down
There ain't no grave
Could hold his body down

Chorus 2

When He heard that trumpet sound
He rose up outta the ground
There ain’t no grave
Could hold his body down


There ain’t no grave
Could hold his body down


There ain’t no grave
Could hold my body down


If you walked out of the grave
I'm walking too
If you walked out of the grave
I'm walking too
If you walked out of the grave
I'm walking too
If you walked out of the grave
I'm walking too

Chorus 1

There ain’t no grave
Gonna hold my body down
There ain't no grave
Gonna hold my body down

Chorus 2

When I hear that trumpet sound
I'm gonna rise up outta the ground
There ain’t no grave
Gonna hold my body down


There ain’t no grave
Gonna hold my body down

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